Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Gorgeous Blog Award

Many thanks to Ziggy at "ZiggyFan Scrap Designs"

for nominating me for this Award!

Be sure to check out her blog...she has some great scrap kits.

The rules are very simple:

Put the name and link of who gave you this award on your blog.

Then pass it on to 5 blogs which you think are AWESOME.

~Designed by Stina~

~Angel's Designz~

~Creative Misfits Creations~

~Lacarolita's Designz~

~Vix PSP~

Thank You for Visiting my Blog and I hope you enjoy..My Blog and Tutorials.


Key To My Heart

This tutorial was written on Dec. 23rd, 2009. This is my own creation, Using Addictive Pleasure's Forbidden kit. Please do not copy this tutorial in anyway.
Supplies Needed:
♦PSP I am using V.9, any version will do.
♦PTU Scrap kit called Forbidden by Addictive Pleasures HERE
♦FTU Template 35 by Babe's Designz HERE
♦FTU Font's Mary Monroe Script HERE & Popsies HERE
♦PTU Plugin Alien Skins Gradient Glow HERE (This can be achieved also with a DS, settings
0, 0, 70, 15.00, White)
This tutorial assumes, you have a working knowledge of PSP.
Open Temp. 35, Duplicate, Delete Orginal. On duplicated temp., delete copyright.
Transmisson layer, Selections>Select All>Float>Defloat.
Copy Paper 10 and Paste as a New Layer. Selections> INvert, delete, Ctrl + D. Delete the transmisson layer.
Circle Layer, Selections>Select All> Float> Defloat.
Copy Paper 11 and Paste as a New Layer. Selections> INvert, delete, Ctrl + D. Add Gradient Glow with Following Settings.
Delete Circle.
Circle Line, Selections>Select All>Float>Defloat.
Copy Paper 7 and Paste as a New Layer. Selections> INvert, delete, Ctrl + D. Delete Circle Line.
Add Gradient Glow changing glow radiues to 5.00
Doodle Layer, Selections>Select All>Float>Defloat.
Copy Paper 2 and Paste as a New Layer. Selections>INvert, delete, Ctrl + D. Add DS, Delete Doodle.
Add Elements of Choice, May need to rotate some of the elements. Add DS, resizing will be necessary.
Add Name and Copyright info.
Resize 400x350, save as .png. Thank You for trying my tutorial.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


This Tag was made using a PTU Kit by Angel's Designz and Template 21 by Elegantly Wasted.

I Know You Want Me

I wrote this tutorial on Dec. 13th, 2009. This is my own creation, using a Template by Elegantly Wasted and Scrap Kit by Angels Designz. Please not copy this tutorial in any way.
Supplies Needed:
♦Tube of Choice. I used the Artwork of ©Keith Garvey. You can purchase a License and the Tube at My PSP Tubes (do not use without the license) HERE
♦PTU Scrap Kit called Paparazzi by AngelsDesignz HERE
♦FTU Template EW0021 at Elegantly Wasted HERE
♦Word Art by Me HERE
This tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP.
Open Template, Duplicate, delete copyright.
Resize Canvas (image> Canvas size) 725x725.
Floodfill white bg layer with more white.
Layer 10, Selections>Select All> Float> Defloat. Copy Paper6, Paste as a New Layer, Resize 50%, Selections>Invert, Delete. Ctrl + D. Add DS -2, -2, 50, 10.00, Delete Layer 10.
Layer 9, Selections>Select All> Float>Defloat. Copy Paper4, Paste as a New Layer. Selections>Invert, Delete. Ctrl + D. Add DS and Delete Layer 9.
Layer 8, Selections> Select All>Float>Defloat. Copy Paper18, Paste as a New Layer. Resize 50%. Selections>Invert, Delete. Ctrl+D. Add DS and Delete Layer 8.
Layer 6, Selections>Select All> Float>Defloat. Copy Paper12, Paste as a New Layer. Resize 70%. Selections> Invert, Delete. Ctrl+D. Add DS and Delete Layer 6.
Merge Down Layer 2 and 3. Click inside, both black rectangles. Copy Paper17, Paste as a New Layer. Resize 70%. Selections>Invert, Delete, Ctrl+D. Add DS and Delete Layer 3.
Delete Text & Text 2 Layers.
Copy Camera2, Paste as a New Layer. Place in the Middle of black star backgrounds, Add DS.
Copy High Heel, Paste as a New Layer, resize 50%. Add DS, place in Left bottom corner.
Copy Perfume, Paste as a New Layer, resize 30%, add DS. Place over High Heel.
Copy Word Art, Paste as a New Layer.
Copy Tube, Paste as a New Layer, over Left Black star Bg. Rize if Needed, Add DS.
Using Selection tool, set on Rectangle, draw around Right Black Star Bg.
Use Tube again. This time do not resize. Place over Right Black Star Bg. Selections>Invert, delete, Ctrl + D. Change to Luminance (L).
Add Name and Copyright Info.
Merge Visible and Crop
Resize 400x300 px
Save .png
Thank You for trying my Tutorial.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Lazy Daze

This is a Tag only, no Tutorial. The kit is by Designs by Stina, called Lazy Daze.
You can find this kit @ Designz by Stina Again!!

Cinnamon and Cookies

This Tag was made with a kit, called Cinnamon and Cookies by Designs by Stina.

No Tutorial for this Tag. Kit can be found at Designed by Stina...again!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Autumn Beauty

This Tutorial was Written on Nov. 21, 2009. This is my own creation using, the artwork of ©Rion Vernon and Scrapkit by Schnegge @ Dazzling Scraps called Autumn Romance. Please do not copy this tutorial in anyway.

Supplies Needed:

♦PSP, I am using V.9 (but any version will do)

♦ Tube of Choice, I am a PTU Tube by Rion Vernon at CILM (do not use without license) HERE

♦FTU Template #37 by Lacarolitas HERE

♦Mask that I will supply (if this is yours, please let me know I will give proper credit) HERE

♦PTU Scrap Kit called Autumn Romance by Schnegge @ Dazzling Scraps HERE


This tutorial assumes, you have a working knowledge of PSP.

On to the Lesson:

~Open Template. Duplicate it (Shift + D), close orginal, delete copy right, background and flowers.

~Add a New Raster Layer and send to the bottom and floodfill with white.

~On Raster 1. Selections> Select All> Float> Defloat

~Add a New Rater Layer

~Copy Paper08 and Paste Into Selection, Selections> None and delete Raster 1.

~On Raster 5 Selections> Select All> Float> Defloat.

~Copy Paper 12 and Paste as a New Layer. Selections> Invert, delete. Select None.

Add DS 4, -5, 60, 10.00. Delete Raster 5.

~On Raster 4 Selections> Select All> Float> Defloat.

~Copy Paper06 and Paste as a New Layer. Selections None. Add DS, delete Raster 4.

~On Raster 3, Selections> Select All> Float> Defloat.

~Copy Paper20 and Paste as a New Layer. Selections> Invert, delete. Selections> None. Add DS and delete Raster 3.

~On Raster 2, Selections> Select All> Float> Defloat.

~Copy Paper13 and Paste as a New Layer. Selections> Invert, delete. Selections> None. Delete Raster 2.

~Copy Tube and Paste as a New Layer. Resize if needed. I resized mine 65%. Add DS.

~Copy Paper09 and Paste as a New Layer. Move this layer right above Raster 8. Add Mask. Layers> Load/Save mask> Load Mask from Disk, Merge Group.

~Copy Elements of Choice, you can use mine for example. Add DS to All.

~Add name & Copyright, crop, merge visible, resize with settings below:

~Save as a .png

Monday, November 2, 2009

Forever Autumn

I wrote this Tutorial on Oct. 31, 2009. This is my own Creation, using a scrap kit by Classie Creations. Please do not copy this tutorial in anyway. Thank You.
Supplies Needed:
♦ PSP, I am using V.9 (any newer version will do)
♦PTU scrap kit by Classie Creations called Samhain (full Size) HERE
♦Tube of Choice. I am using the beautiful Artwork of ©Joel Adams (do not use without purchasing a license) HERE
♦FTU Template by Vix. Template set 21-25 HERE
♦FTU Mask, I will supply (if this is your creation please let me know so I can give proper credit) HERE
This tutorial is written with the assumption, you have a working knowledge of PSP.
>Open Temp, delete copyright and chande the canvas size to 800x800.
>On background layer un-x and floodfill with white.
>Copy paper6 and Paste as a New Layer, above the background layer.
>Add Maski WynterMask1903087, Merge Group and resize 80%, Add Drop shadow.
V3, H-3, O 49.00, B 10.00
>Delete both leaves layer.
>Go to your frame fill layer and copy paper7. Go to Selections> Select All> Float> Defloat. Paste your paper as a New Layer, resize 70%. Selections> Invert, delete. Selections>None. Add Drop Shadow. Delete frame fill layer.
>On Frame Fill Sides. Selections>Select All> Float> Defloat. Copy paper1 and Paste as a New Layer. Selections> Invert, delete. Selections> None. Add Drop shadow.
Delete frame fill sides.
>On Autumn Word Art. Selections>Select All> Float>Defloat, copy paper5 and Paste as a New Layer.
>With Autumn still selected move paper5, above the Autumn Glow layer. Selections> Invert, delete. Selections> None, add drop shadow.
>Drop shadow the word forever & frame layers.
>Add Embellishments of choice, resize if needed. Add drop shadow to each. Use my for example.
>Copy Tube of choice and Paste as a New Layer, resize if needed, add drop shadow.
>Duplicate this layer and resize to a bigger size, then the orginal.
>Move below Raster 2 layer
>On Raster 3 layer, Selections> Select All> Float>Defloat. Selections> Invert, Delete. Change this fromnoraml to Hard Light in layer palette. Add Drop shadow.
>Add name & copyright info.
>Crop and Resize to 400x400 px.
>Merge Visible
>Save as .png
Viola Your Done,
Thank You for trying my tutorial.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Welcome to Your Nightmare

This tutorial was written on Oct. 16th, 2009. This is my own creation, using Stina's: Come Out and Play @ Dazzling Scraps. Please do not copy this tutorial in anyway.
Supplies Needed:
♦PSP, I am using V.9 (any newer version will do)
♦Animation Shop
♦Tube of Choice (Can not provide tube used
♦PTU Scrap Kit by; Designed by Stina @ Dazzling Scraps HERE
♦FTU Plugin Almathera's Lighting Maker HERE
This Tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP and AS.
On to the Lesson:
~Open a New 800x800, Transparent Image, Flood fill with white.
~Copy DBS flower01 and Paste as a New Layer.
~Copy DBS frame01 and Paste as a New Layer, resize 70%.
~Using your Magic Wand, click inside the frame.
~Selections> Modify> Expand 10.
~Copy DBS Paper21 and Paste as a New Layer, resize 60%
~Selections> Invert, delete. Selections> None. Move this layer below your frame.
~Copy Tube and Paste as a New Layer, on top of the frame. Duplicate this once and move the duplicated layer below the frame.
~Back on Your orginal layer, erase everything anove the frame. Do the same to the duplicated layer. It will look like its under the frame at the bottom.
~Copy DBS GrimReaperScroll and Paste as a New Layer, resize 30% smartsize. Place on the left bottom of frame.
~Copy DBS WitchesBrew and Paste as a New Layer, resize 60%. Place on the left bottom of frame.
~Copy DBS MoonwithBats and Paste as a New Layer, resize 30%.
~Add Drop shadow of choice to all elements (I used 4, 4, 45, 5.00, Black), except: frame, tube and paper.
~Add Name and copyright info.
~If not animating, crop and resize to 423x343 px and save as a .png.
~Set your forground and background to null, Background and Fill to white.
~Add Almathera Lighting Maker to Paper Layer only, with the folloeing settings:

1. Copy Merged and take to AS and Paste as a New Animation.
2. Back to PSP undo Lighting Maker, Add Plugin again, changing the Random.
3. Copy Merged take to AS and Paste after Current Frame.
4. Do the exact same as you did in step 2 and 3.
~You will now have 3 frames.
~In AS, click on your first frame. Edit> Select All. Animation> Frame Properties, change to 30. Resize 60%
~Save and Your Done
Thank You for Trying my Tutorial. Would like to see your results

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

It's A Fairy's Life

I wrote this Tutorial on August 5th, 2009. This is my own cration. Any resemblence is only coincidental. Please do not copy this tutorial in anyway.

Supplies Needed:

♦ PSP I am using V.9 (but any newer version will do)

♦ Template 15 by Babes Designz HERE

♦ Scrapkit and Fairy's Called Odelina Part 1 by Kittie's Sinful Designz HERE

♦ Word Art by Me HERE


This tutorial is assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP.

On to The Lesson:

♦Open Template and duplicate and delte the orginal.

♦Delete copyright.

♦Merge down the flower frame with circle fill.

♦ Selections> Select All> Float> Defloat

♦ Copy Paper 1 and Paste as a New Layer. Resize 70%. Selections> INvert and delete, CTRL + D. Add Drop shadow 0, 0, 60, 6.00. Black. Delete circle fill.

♦ Go to the rectangles layer. Selections> Select All> Float> Defloat.

♦ Copy Paper 12 and Paste as a New Layer, resize 70%. Selections> INvert and Delete, CTRL+D. Add dropshadow, Delete rectangles.

♦ Go to frame fill layer, Selections, Select All> Float> Defloat.

♦ Make a New Raster Layer
♦ Copy Paper 13 and Paste into Selection, CTRL + D, Delete Frame fill.
♦ Go to frame, Selections> Select All> Float> Defloat
♦ Copy Paper 14 and Paste as a New Layer, Resize 80%.
♦ Selections> Invert and delete, CTRL + D. Add drop shadow 3, 3, 60, 6.00, Delete frame layer. Delete dotted Line.
♦ On your flower layer, copy frame 2 and Paste as a New Layer, Resize 50%, Add drop shadow 0, 0, 60, 6.00.
♦ Click left side of frame. Use Your selections tool, set on rectangle and outline, just a bit over the frame.
♦ Copy Odelina 1 and Paste as a New Layer, resize 70%. Selections> Invert and delete, CTRL + D, Move below the frame. Add drop shadow 3, 3, 60, 6.00.
Do the same with the right side of the frame, but using Odelina 3 and Resize 60 %.
♦ Back on the top layer. Copy doodle and Paste as a NEw Layer.
Place it so it looks like it's coming out of the left side of the frame. Add Drop shadow.
♦ Copy Odelina 2 and Paste as a New Layer, position were you like and add drop shadow.
♦ Copy Fairy dust trail and Paste as a New Layer, resize 50% and move to the Right under the fairy wings.
♦ Copy Word art and Paste as a New Layer, above the frames.
♦ Add Name and Copyright info., resize 450 x 400. Merge, Save as a .png.
Viola' Your Done, would like to see your results.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Beach Bum

I Wrote this Tutorial on July 15, 2009. This is my own creation. Please do not copy this tutorial in anyway.

Supplies Needed:
♦ PSP, I am using V.9 (any newer version will do)
♦ PTU Scrap Kit called Sweet Escape Summer by Kittie at Kittie's Sinful Designz HERE
♦ FTU Template 218 by Missy at Devine Intenionz HERE
♦ Three Different Beaches Scenes from Stock.xchng HERE
♦ I am Suppling the Tube by Tessa Leigh Heinemann on DeviantArt, Word Art (That I made, do not claim), and Mask (if this is yours please let me know, so I can give proper credit) HERE

This Tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP.

On to the Lesson:

*Open Template and delete the copyright.

*Go to Image> Canvas Size 600x600 pixels. Floodfill background layer white.

*Open Beach Picture from Stock.xchnge and resize 600x600. Copy and Paste as New Layer above background Layer.

*Copy Sand from kit and Paste as a New Layer, position to the bottom.

*Merge these 2 layers together.

*Add mask: Layers> Load/Save Mask> Load Mask from Disk. Merge Group.
*Merge down Rectangle 3, with 2. Now Selections> Select All> Float> Defloat.
*Copy Paper 12 and Paste as a New Layer, resize 15%.
*Selections> Invert, delete. Ctrl + D. Add Dropshadow V & H: 3, O: 80, B: 8.00 and Delete Rectangle 2.
*On Rectangle, Selections> Select All> Float> Defloat.
*Copy Payer 8 and Paste as a New Layer, resize 15%. Selections> Invert, Delete. Ctrl + D. Add Drop Shadow. Delete Rectangle.
*On Large rectangle, Selections> Select all> Float> Defloat.
*Copy Paper 2 and Paste as a New Layer, resize 15%, Selections, Invert, delete, Ctrl + D, add drop shadow. Delete Large Rectangle.
*Make Sure Raster 3 is highlighted, from kit Copy Tropical Tree 3 and Paste as New Layer.
*Resize 50% and Place to the right. Add Drop shadow.
*On circles Copy Frame 2 and Paste as a New Layer, Resize 35%. Place over the largest of the 3 circles. Add Dropshadow.
*On the 2 smaller cirlces use your magic wand and click both circles. Selections> Float> Defloat.
*Copy Paper 14 and Paste as a New Layer, resize 15%. Selections> Invert, delte. Ctrl + D, Add Drop Shadow and Delete Circles.
*Copy flower 7 and Paste as a New Layer, Re size 20 %, place on the roped frame, add dropshadow.
*Copy flower 1 and Paste as a New Layer, re size 15% and Place near the other flower, add dropshadow.
*On frame background (pink circles), use the magic wand and click inside the larger circle.
*Open one of our beach scences and Resize 400 x 400 pixels.
*Copy and Paste as a New Layer, move into place, under the roped frame. Selections> Invert, Delete.
*Do the same with the other to pink circles, one at a time. No need to re size the beach scenes for the smaller circles. Delete the frame background.
*Back on the top layer in your palette.
*Copy Macaw 3 (2 birds) and Paste as a New Layer, re size 20 % and place between the to smaller frames.
*Go to Raster Layer 3 and Copy Net 1 and Paste as a New Layer, re size 60 %, position to the left add drop shadow.
*Add Tube, re size 70%, add drop shadow.
*Add Your name and Copyright info.
Merge Visible
Resize 400 x 400
Save as a .png
Viola' Your Done.
Thank You for Trying another one of my Tutorials.
You can send your results to

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Summer Breeze

I wrote this Tutorial on June 4th, 2009. This is my own creation. Please do not copy this tutorial in anyway.
Supplies Needed:
♦PSP I am using V.9 (but any newer version will do do)
♦FTU Scrap Kit by Juicy Bits called Tequila Sunrise HERE
♦Template 4 deco-Squares by KayXclusive Download 1-12 HERE
♦Mask grungeframe9 by Ginny at BunnyAttic (download 5th one down on the left) HERE
♦I am suppling the wordart and Tube which is copyrighted by ©Carolina Seabra at Deviantart e-mail her Your results to (please incude copyright) HERE
All settings will remain the same unless otherwise stated. This tutorial aaumes you have a working knowledge of PSP.
On to the Lesson:
Open Template, duplicate the original and delete. Go to Image> Canvas Size 600x600. Use settings below;

Delete copyright and black background.
Copy Paper01 and Paste as a New Layer and move below the rectangle layer, Resize 80%.
Add Mask, Layers> Load/Save Mask> Load Mask from Disk, Merge Group.
On Rectangle Layer, Selections> Select All> Float> Defloat.
Copy Paper04, Paste as a New Layer, Resize 70%. Selections> Invert> Delete. Hit Ctrl + D to deselect. Add Drop Shadow with the Following Settings (this will be used on all layers).
On center Recatangle, Selections> Select All> Float> Defloat. Make New Raster Layer, make sure this layer is above the Center Rectangle layer.
Copy Paper11 and still on your New Layer Edit> Paste into Selection. Ctrl + D (deselect). Delete Center Rectangle.
Delete R & L Design
On the Squares use your magic wand, with following settings;
Select inside the Squares
Copy Paper06 and Paste as New Layer, Resize 70%. Selections> Invert> Delete, Ctrl + D
Use the Magic Wand on the Outside of the Squares.
It will look like this;
Copy Paper12 and Paste as a New Layer, Resize 70%. Selections> Invert> Delete, Ctrl + D. Add a Dropshadow to this layer. Make sure to move this layer above raster 3. Delete the layer named Sqaures.

On the Dotted Sqaures Layer, Selections> Select All> Float> Defloat.

Copy Paper16 and Paste as New Layer. Selections> Invert> Delete, Ctrl + D. Add Drop Shadow. Delete the Dotted Squares Layer.

On the Inside Squares (Raster 3). Use your Selection Tool, with the following Settings;

Select just around the middle square.

Copy Tube and Resize 70% and Place just her face in the marching ants. Selections> Invert> Delete, Ctrl + D.

Duplicate this layer 2 times. Move one of each to the other 2 squares. Merge those 2 together.

In Layer Palette chane this layer from Normal to Luminance. Like you see in the screen shot;
Add Embellishments, I used Blossom 1 and bow 2, resized 70%. I used tag 2 resized 50%. On the the tag, rotate slighty to the right using your Raster Deform tool. Adjust> Sharpness> Sharpen. Add Drop Shadow to all embellisments.

Place word art on the tag ( there is already a shadow).

Add name and copyright info. Merge Visible, Resize 400x400.

Save as .png

Thank You for trying my Tutorial.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Summer Fun

I wrote this Tutorial on May 23rd, 2009. This is my own creation. Any resemblence is only coincidental. Please do not copy this tutorial in anyway.

Supplies Needed:
♦PSP I am using V.9 (but any newer version will do)
♦FTU Scrap Kit called Summer Party by Jessica at Scraps by Jessica HERE
♦FTU Plugin MuRa's Copies 1.3 HERE
♦I am suppling the FTU tube by ©Chester Ocampo (Please Credit Tag with copyright, that is on the tube) and the FTU Mask (I found this mask on the web, if it belongs to you please e-mail me so I can give proper credit) HERE

All Settings will remain the same, unless otherwise stated. This Tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP.

On to the Lesson:

Open a New Image 600x600 pixels, Transparent, floodfill White. Rename Background.

Choose paper 8, Edit> Copy and Paste as New Layer, resize 80%.

Add Mask, Layers> Load/Save Mask> Load Mask from Disk> with settings below:

Merge Group. Rename Mask.

Add Drop Shadow, Effects> Dropshadow, with the settings below to the Mask Layer.

Edit> Copy Glitter 1 & 2 and Paste as New Layer. Merge together.

Edit> Copy sequinflower 5 from kit and Paste as a New Layer. Resize 50%, Adjust> Sharpeness> Sharpen.

Add MuRa's Copies. Effects> Plugins> MuRa's Copies. With settings below.

Add Drop Shadow, Effects> Dropshadow, to the incircled sequin flower, with the settings below (these settings will continue to be used for all other Drop Shadows)

Edit> Copy Sun Frame and Paste as a New Layer. Add Drop Shadow. Rename frame.

Edit> Copy Tube and Paste as a New Layer, Resize 70%, positon tube slighty to the left. Now we are going to erase the bottom of the tube, so it is under the frame. To do this, select your Selection tool (the lasso), using the freehand selection go around the bottom, like showing in the screenshot below.

Hit Delete, Selections> Select None.

Duplicate your tube, move the duplicate under your frame. Go back to the original tube and use eraser tool and erase everything on top of the frame. Now your tube appears under the frame. Add Dropshadow to the duplicated tube.

Your Layer Palette should now, look like the one below.

Edt> Copy Flowers and Paste as New Layer, resize 70%, position at the bottom of frame, add dropshadow.

Edit> Copy butterfly and Paste as New Layer, resize 40%. Add Drop Shadow, Effects> Dropshadow. Rotate butterfly, Image> Rotate> Free Rotate with settings below:

Position over the flowers to the right.

Edit> Copy the Beads and Paste as a New Layer, under the butterfly. Add Dropshadow, Effect> Dropshadow.

Add copyright and Name, merge and crop off ezcess background. Resize 400x400 pixels. Save as .png and thats it your done.

Thank You for Trying my Tutorial

Monday, May 18, 2009

Party Girl

Party Girl
I Wrote this Tutorial on May 18th, 2009. This is my own creation. Any resemblence is only coincidental. Please do not copy this tutorial in anyway.
Supplies Needed:
♦PSP I am using V.9 ( but any newer version will do)
♦Animation Shop
♦Tube of Choice, I used the artwork of ©Keith Garvey. You can Purchase a License and the Tube at MPT (do not use without a license) HERE
♦FTU Scrap Kit called Club by Bluey at Bluedreams Designs Blog HERE
♦FTU Template #24 by Babe's Designz HERE
♦FTU Plugin Xero: Fritillary can be found on set 4 HERE
All Settings will remain the same unless otherwise stated. This Tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP and AS
On To the Lesson:
Open your template and copy it, close out the original. On the copied one delete the copyright.
Open paper 8 from the kit and copy it twice, minimize one and close out the original. On the other go to Adjust> Hue & Saturation> Colorize and use the following settings:

It should now be grey. Go to Adjust> Brightness and Contrast, use the following settings:

You should now have a more darker B&W image.
Back to your template. Make sure the circles is the highlighted layer, in the layer palette. Go to Selections> Select all> Float> Defloat
Edit> Copy the paper you made B&W. Go back to working image. Edit> Paste as a New Layer. Image> Resize 70% (or hold shift + s). Selections> Invert, hit delete on keyboard. Selections> Select None.
Add a Drop Shadow. Effects> 3D Effects> Drop Shadow, use the Settings below (this DS will be used on all parts, except the mask and background)

Delete the Circles in layer palette and Rename the new raster layer Circles.

On Frames Layer, go to Selections> Select All> Float> Defloat

Edit> Copy the other paper (pink checkered), that you minimized earlier. Go back to working image. Edit> Paste as New Layer. Hold down Shift + S, Resize 70%. Selections> Invert, hit delete. Give same dropshadow we used before. Delete Frame layer and name the new raster layer Frame.

On bars layer, Selections> Select All> Float> Defloat. Open paper 5, Edit> Copy, Edit> Paste as New Layer in working image. Selections> Invert, hit delete. Selections> Select None. Give it same dropshadow. Delete bars layer.

On masked layer, Selections> Select All> Float> Defloat. Open paper 3, Edit> Copy, Edit> Paste as New Layer on working image. Selections> Invert, hit delete. Selections> Select None. Delete mask layer and rename the raster layer mask.

Rename layer 1, background.

Go to the top of the layer paletter and have your circles layer highlighted. Go to your tube, Edit> Copy, Edit Paste as new layer, in working image. Resize if you need to.

Got to kit and open Ipod 1. Edit> Copy, Edit> Paste as New Layer. Shift + S, Resize 60%, add dropshadow. Got to Image> Rotate> Free Rotate Right 30.00 (both boxes unchecked), click ok. Postion to the right, bottom corner. Click Adjust> Sharpness> Sharpen.

Open Label 5 from kit. Edit> Copy, Edit> Paste as New Layer. Shift + S, resize 60%. Add a dropshadow. Go to Image> Rotate> Free Rotate this time to the left. Click Adjust> Sharpness> Sharpen. Postion to the left, use mine as a refrence.

Open both music notes for the kit and resize them to 10%. Edit> Copy music note 1 and Edit> Paste as a New Layer. Position to the upper left. Do the same with music note 2. With music note 2 use your Raster Deform tool, in your took car. Turn it slighty to the right. Click Adjust> Sharpness> Sharpen. Merge (merge down) these 2 layers.

Duplicate the merged music, three times for a total of 4. Position them in different areas of the tag.

Now add your Name and Copyright info.

If you do not want to Animate, merge all, Shift+ S and resize 400x400 pixels. Save as .png

If you are going to animate Merge All Layers EXCEPT, circles, frame, bars, mask and background.


Duplicate your circles layer2 times for a total of 3. X out the top 2 layers. Have the original layer highlights. Click on Effects> Plugins> Xero> Fritillary. Apply these settings, exccept the Variations make it 10. Do this with the other 2 layers, but change the variations to 20 and 30.

Repeat the same steps for the frame, by duplicating 2 times and adding the Xero Plugin.
Go to mask layer and duplicate that 2 times, for a total of 3. X out the top 2 copies and on the Original layer, Add noise. Go to Adjust> Add/Remove Noise. With the following settings:

Do this with the other 2 layers as well.

Your Layer Palette should now look like the one below:

With the 3 layers (circles, frame and mask) made, keep the 2 duplicated x'd out. Go to Edit> Copy Merged, take over to Animated Shop and Edit> Paste as New Animation.

Back to PSP X out the original and un-X copy 1 on all three, Edit> Copy Merged. Back to Animation Shop, right click on image, Paste> After Current Frame.

Back to PSP to Copy the Last Layer (remeber to close off the one just copied and un x the one you need open). Take to AS and right click on image, Paste after Current Frame.

Hold Down Shift + S and Resize to 400x400

Click on View Animation

Save as a .gif and Viola'

Your Done.

I hope you have enjoyed this tutoria. It is my very first.

Thank You.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

First Blog

I hope to turn this into a Tutorial Blog for PSP. So my blog is under construction. Please Check back soon, once I learn to make this the Best Blog