Supplies Needed:
♦PSP, I am using V.9 (any newer version will do)
♦Animation Shop
♦Tube of Choice (Can not provide tube used
♦PTU Scrap Kit by; Designed by Stina @ Dazzling Scraps HERE
♦FTU Plugin Almathera's Lighting Maker HERE
This Tutorial assumes you have a working knowledge of PSP and AS.
On to the Lesson:
~Open a New 800x800, Transparent Image, Flood fill with white.
~Copy DBS flower01 and Paste as a New Layer.
~Copy DBS frame01 and Paste as a New Layer, resize 70%.
~Using your Magic Wand, click inside the frame.
~Selections> Modify> Expand 10.
~Copy DBS Paper21 and Paste as a New Layer, resize 60%
~Selections> Invert, delete. Selections> None. Move this layer below your frame.
~Copy Tube and Paste as a New Layer, on top of the frame. Duplicate this once and move the duplicated layer below the frame.
~Back on Your orginal layer, erase everything anove the frame. Do the same to the duplicated layer. It will look like its under the frame at the bottom.
~Copy DBS GrimReaperScroll and Paste as a New Layer, resize 30% smartsize. Place on the left bottom of frame.
~Copy DBS WitchesBrew and Paste as a New Layer, resize 60%. Place on the left bottom of frame.
~Copy DBS MoonwithBats and Paste as a New Layer, resize 30%.
~Add Drop shadow of choice to all elements (I used 4, 4, 45, 5.00, Black), except: frame, tube and paper.
~Add Name and copyright info.
~If not animating, crop and resize to 423x343 px and save as a .png.
~Set your forground and background to null, Background and Fill to white.
~Add Almathera Lighting Maker to Paper Layer only, with the folloeing settings:
2. Back to PSP undo Lighting Maker, Add Plugin again, changing the Random.
3. Copy Merged take to AS and Paste after Current Frame.
4. Do the exact same as you did in step 2 and 3.
~You will now have 3 frames.
~In AS, click on your first frame. Edit> Select All. Animation> Frame Properties, change to 30. Resize 60%
~Save and Your Done
Thank You for Trying my Tutorial. Would like to see your results
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